The most important aspect of human health is our
Light Environment
Light Environment Org’s Mission:
Improve the health of as many humans as possible, through free education and awareness campaigns which help people to see the light!
Our circadian rhythm is the single greatest aspect of our health and happiness, but not enough people are paying attention to it today. That’s where we come in :)
We read the latest studies on circadian health (so you don’t have to) and summarize them in plain English for you.
We raise money so we can donate blue-blocking glasses at farmers markets and schools and educate people on the importance of their “light diet”
Sign up to get notified of new educational content as it becomes available, and more studies that come out after we read and summarize them.
can do.
We’ll show you simple
light environment changes
you can make which
will improve your health and happiness.
Read the studies!
The studies have been piling up for decades, indicating our modern LED screens and bulbs are causing most of the health problems we’re seeing today.
We break down all our favorite studies for you.

Changing your light environment can change your life!
Dr. Dexter was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and wanted to avoid a lifetime of medications to treat it. She found the answer was simple: Vitamin D deficiency; a simple sunlight protocol is what cured her! Now this endocrinologist is prescribing moderate sun exposure protocols to her patients to treat their hyperparathyroidism and seeing amazing results!
Kiera couldn’t figure out why she was having horrible symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, vertigo, and pain….then she figured it out, started improving her light environment and everything improved!
Emilly’s gut issues subsided once she started getting outside for sunrise and wearing amber blue-blockers at night…and her stubborn weight started melting off!
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from Decentralized Doctors and Quantum Health Coaches
Join us in the revolution
We’ll keep you updated on everything happening in this light space, like new studies, new circadian-friendly light bulbs and screen technology, and we’ll send you blogs from doctors and experts in light and quantum health.