Thousdands of studies indicate that

Our light environment is the #1 determinant of human health / happiness

Nearly 100,000 studies on circadian rhythms

Nearly 10,000 studies on Red Light Therapy

Circadian Rhythm studies indicate blue light at night may be the greatest cause of most diseases today, as it’s proven to suppress our melatonin levels causing CRD (Circadian Rhythm Disruption” which can lead to diabetes, cancer, depression, obesity, heart disease, and so much more.

Red Light Therapy studies all indicate it’s a safe, effective, side-effect-free treatment for: pain and inflammation, depression, reducing wrinkles and increasing collagen, increasing hair counts, treatment for depression, bone and wound healing, and so much more.

Yet still, the centralized medical system influenced by big pharma keeps saying “more studies needed” in order for the world to keep prescribing meds to treat problems caused by circadian disruption and sunlight deficiency.

For those of you who don’t pay any attention to what kind of light your eyes and skin are exposed to each day, we beg you to please read as many studies below as possible. Your children and grandchildren will appreciate it if you take simple steps and
live a longer / happier /healthier life.

This spreadsheet contains just some of our favorite studies. You may find it difficult to read through on a phone, so we recommend opening this on a computer.
We created this for normal people to access, because let’s face it: you don’t have time to go to Pubmed and read through the thousands of studies and try to interpret the science yourself. Plus, if you went to Pubmed yourself, you might actually rely on the biased “conclusions” found at the bottom of each study; these are influenced by big pharma’s friends in the peer-review process, because of which all studies have been saying for 20+ years now that “more studies are needed.”
Don’t let big pharma do your thinking for you, do your own research!

For even more reading, please visit PubMed and type for instance
cancer and ALAN (short for artificial light at night) it will have nearly 1000 studies for you to read on cancer alone.

The Science
of Blue Light

We break down the history of blue light for you, and explain how our new LED devices are the leading cause of disease on the planet today, highlighting some important studies for you to be aware of.

Imagine going back in time and trying to warn this group of nurses that smoking’s bad for them. They would give you a dismissive scoff “don’t be a downer,” after all everyone’s doing it so how could it be bad?
That’s where we’re at today with blue light at night, except all the emerging data from the past 20 years indicates blue light at night is MUCH WORSE THAN SMOKING.

Smoking can merely lead to lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, and stroke.

Blue light at night (leading to prolonged CRD “Circadian Rhythm Disruption”) can proliferate ALL types of cancer, as well as cause depression, anxiety, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, thyroid diseases, fertility issues, hormonal / developmental issues in children, and so much more!

This light epidemic we’re in today, once it’s fully realized by everyone, is going to do down in the history books as “The Early 2000’s Light Epidemic: Greatest Health Oversight In History.”

Blue light is nothing new; it’s always been a part of human life in the form of sunlight. Historically, after sunset humans had no blue light* but that all changed recently: now we get this from our TV’s, computers, phones, and now LED bulbs. The most important thing to realize is this: light doesn’t just form an image in our brain and disappear! Light/energy through our eyes becomes energy inside of our body and drives different energetic/biochemical processes in our body based on which wavelength / color it is. Blue light is what we’ll focus on here.
*Humans had candle light for ages but it had very little blue in it, never enough blue to cause health problems like we’re seeing today. Incandescent bulbs had slightly more blue but still not enough “circadian blue” in them to cause health problems.

Above you’ll find “circadian blue:” this specific blue range of light / energy is shown to cause a multitude of health problems in humans today like cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and so much more. There’s thousands of studies indicating this, of which we’ll go over some important ones below, and we’ll point you to other resources to learn more.

Above ON LEFT is what’s emitted from our LED bulbs, and our computers/TVs/phones.
ON RIGHT you can see clearly: Blue blockers (amber/red lenses) actually work.
This blue-spike on the left is what causes CRD “Circadian Rhythm Disruption” by suppressing our melatonin levels (more on that below.)
Experts estimate that this blue spike is causing ~75% of diseases on this planet today.
In other words, you can drastically reduce your chances of getting any of these diseases below by simply wearing amber/red BBGs at night, it’s so easy!

Sadly most people (doctors included) brush this off as a “conspiracy theory” to believe that humanity has made this big of an oversight globally: people can’t fathom that we’ve engineered our lights/screens in a way that’s so detrimental to our health…but a mountain of evidence suggests that’s where we’re at today.

Above is what your melatonin levels should look like: it should rise naturally after sunet (if you weren't around “circadian blue” light) and this melatonin drives the processes of apoptosis and autophagy in your body.
In other words, melatonin takes out bad cells (i.e. cancer) and builds new cells. Emerging science all demonstrates melatonin is not just a “sleep hormone” as we were taught in school, but is really our “rejuvination hormone.”
For every hour after sunset that you subject yourself to circadian blue light: that’s one less hour of cancer prevention, cell repair, and energy rejuvenation.
If you do this every once in awhile it’s no big deal, but if you suppress melatonin levels like this night after night for years on end (as most people are unknowingly doing to themselves today) then it’s going to lead to ill-health.
The good news: you can still use your sreens at night, if you use blue-blockers which allow melatonin to rise as it naturally should. (only red or amber lensed glasses work, more on that at the bottom in the reviews section.)


Above is just one example of an epidemiological (survey) study linking blue light at night to cancer.
This type of study commonly gets brushed aside because “correlation doesn’t equal causation” which can be a fair / appropriate dismission when there’s just one novel new studies.
However, there are hundreds of studies like this one: all linking artificial light at night to cancer.
Notice the Conclusions section above on this study (as with all other studies like it over the past couple decades) always says “more studies needed” Some industry insiders say that big pharma has editors installed at every major medical journal to ensure that no conclusions are ever reached.
Keep in mind cancer is a $350 Billion / year industry, expected to reach $550 Billion by 2030…

In this study they took blood samples from humans and injected it into cancerous rats. The blood which was rich in melatonin suppressed tumor growth; the melatonin-depleted blood allowed tumors to proliferate freely.
Notice the last highlighted part:
it would be ethically impossible to test this on humans, as it would subject real people to tumor proliferation.

The takeaway here is simple: if you consistently don’t block blue light at night then YOU are the test subject, in the most unethical / uncontrolled experiment this planet’s ever seen.

This recent study above further elucidates that melatonin is not just a sleep hormone, but rather an antioxidant which prevents cancer. Furthermore, it’s well known (by scientists who study this) that melatonin is suppressed by light at night. Now can you guess what the “conclusions” are from this meta-analysis above?

You guessed it…the conclusion from the above study is “more studies needed!” Any study like this that comes out which threatens big pharma’s profits (i.e. oncology drug sales of $350+ Billion / year and growing) it suspiciously gets summarized time and time again as “nothing to see here” / “further research is needed.”


This study indicates that chronic exposure to light at night can cause problems with blood pressure and glucose homeostasis. This is just one study out of hundreds. To view more, please see the our spreadsheet link at bottom or go to Pubmed and see for youself.


There’s hundreds of studies on circadian disruption / decreased melatonin and how it can cause depression and other mood disorders, here is one.


This study above indicates that chronic exposure to light at night is strongly associated with obesity, but the data we have on this isn’t just correlational like you see above. Below you’ll find studies that actually show blue enriched light in evening raises glucose and insulin levels.


Lastly, please notice in the survey/study above (taken of 248 leading scientists with 2700 peer-reviewed publications on light and circadian clocks since 2008) they reached concensus statements in agreement that repetitive and prolonged exposure to light at night bright enough to cause circadian disruption increases the risk of sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, and cancer!.

So, clearly the scientists who study this are all in agreement.

Now, you have to be left wondering: how do more doctors not know about this? It’s because:
1) Doctors were decidedly never taught anything about light in medical school
(medical school curriculum worldwide is influenced by big pharma)
2) Doctors don’t go on pubmed often (most barely have time to finish their electronic charting) and if/when they do read on pubmed, they put their trust in what they read in the conclusions, which is invariably “more studies are needed.”
3) For doctors to consider this a problem, is to admit that they themselves have been over-prescribing medications for years to treat chronic conditions which in many cases could have been treated instead with simple light environment changes. Nobody likes to admit they’ve been wrong.
4) If a doctor is part of a large hospital system and he reaches the conclusion that light at night is a major problem, it would mean he’s admitting that the poor lighting at his hospital actually makes it the worst place for a person to heal. It would make him seem like a conspiracy theorist and an outsider to his colleagues to purport such things. It would take a lot of courage.

The good news is: there are actually thousands of courageous doctors on this planet today who have read through the existing science and come to the correct conclusion on it which is this: our light environment is the single most importan aspect of human health today. The first questions they ask their patients are about their light environment. A blog post will be made on this site highlighting the courageous work of many of these doctors and will be linked here at a later date.


“I can’t believe it took me so long to understand this about light. Throughout all this medical school education I had, I was being preached this other paradigm. Then the second that it clicked (this circadian rhythm aspect of health) it changed everything, like my entire framework how I care for patients. Now I feel like I have to tell every colleague that will listen, so we can fight against the common narrative.”

Watch Kelsey on Dr. Max Gulhane’s podcast here.

Kelsey Dexter, MD

“I reccommend to every one of my patients that they wear blue blockers each night possible, that they have nighttime bulbs with no blue in them, and stress to them the importance of getting outside for sunrise each morning possible to strengthen their circadian rhythm, and to step outside for light breaks throughout the day. Our mitochondrial health and heart health is dependent on a stable and strong circadian rhythm. ”

Watch Dr. Twyman on The QBC podcast here.

Michael Twyman, MD

Allison Monette, ND
Naturopath / Dietician

“If your circadian rhtyhms are broken, then your gut circadian rhythms are broken, and it almost doesn’t matter what you eat because you’re putting food into a broken metabolic system…it’s just not going to work! But if you can sync it all together, fix your light environment, wake up your metabolism…that is such a game changer.”

Watch Alison on Maria Menounos podcast here.


If you want to read more studies (and we suggest you do, for the sake of you and your family’s health) then please go to this Google spreadsheet we started building.
We created this for normal people to access, because let’s face it: you don’t have time to go to Pubmed and read through the thousands of studies and try to interpret the science yourself…or worse, to go there rely on the biased “conclusions” influenced by big pharma’s friends in the peer-review process.

For even more reading, please visit PubMed and type for instance
cancer and ALAN (short for artificial light at night) it will have nearly 1000 studies for you to read on this.

Do you have a favorite study on circadian disruption or RLT that isn’t in our database yet?

Email us!

Still not convinced? How many more studies do you require before you believe circadian disruption’s a real concern? Another 100,000? Another million?

How many more studies on red light therapy before you believe in its effects? Let us know below :)