Youtube and podcasts
Watch and learn; your health depends on it.
These are our favorite videos we’ve learned the most from and hope that you do too.

QBC Basics: This is a great introductory series of 10 videos produced by Quantum Biology Collective which includes: overviews of circadian rhythms, explanations of why this knowledge isn’t mainstream yet, as well as info about grounding/redox, the dangers of artificial/blue light at night, and mitochondrial function and heart health.
Fourth Phase of Water — this is one of the most fundamental aspects of human biology that everyone needs to understand! It’s been proven that the water in our body isn’t just water; it’s a fourth phase of water called Exclusion Zone “EZ” water which is gel-like / semi-crystal in structure. EZ water in our body serves a purpose; it’s a battery of energy and its charge increases when it absorbs infrared light or when we’re barefoot on the earth! If you can’t get outside IR light exposure each day, then consider using a red light therapy device and/or sleeping on grounded sheets!
Take a deeper dive into understanding 4th phase water:
Kiera Lea had a fantastic interview with Gerald Pollack which breaks all this science down. After you watch Gerald’s 14 minute video for background explanation on EZ water above, give this podcast a listen.
Important takeaway: Dr. Pollack’s recent study showed that wifi decreases our EZ water battery, and he posits that this (along with not enough IR light exposure) is what’s driving cancer rates so high today.
Top Quantum Biology Collective podcast episodes:
Every QBC episode is a good learning experience, but there’s over 75 of them and counting, so where do you start? Here’s a playlist of our favorite ones explaining how light affects our health in so many ways.
Maria Menounos’ Jack Kruse interview (3 parts) This is a great podcast series. It explains the importance of circadian health to our biology, how the centralized medical system is carefully controlled by big pharma, and encourages people to be the “CEO of You” in terms of your health.
A great overview of quantum biology and what you can do to optimize your life:
Dr. Valerie Giangrande is an opthamologist who’s studied quantum biology. In this 80min video, she does a great job of comprehensively breaking down all aspects of quantum biology.
In this video you’ll: Learn the principles of Quantum Biology and why it's so important. Learn why our modern world is harmful from a circadian perspective. Learn about different eye conditions (dry eyes, allergic conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma) from a quantum perspective. Learn how to optimize circadian rhythm.