Leptin Resistance: what is it? - by Kiera Lea

Leptin is a hormone secreted by our white fat cells. This specific hormone docks to our hypothalamus at nighttime, communicating to our brain the amount of stored energy/information our body has. Our body senses the amount of stored energy through complex signaling. The more white fat our body has, the greater the leptin signal.

Below is an example of someone has low levels of leptin (left) and high leptin (right) (usually).

Our body takes this signal from leptin to make crucial decisions about how to run our body, quantising our energy storage/metabolism for the next day to maintain homeostasis. Since it's impossible for our brain to keep track of all energy storage, leptin plays the role of counting white fat and relays this message to the brain.

So, every time you sleep, the leptin process goes a little something like this:

  • Leptin docks to the hypothalamus.

  • The brain reads this leptin signal, determining our body fat/excess energy.

  • The brain makes decisions on how to best run our metabolism to maintain homeostasis.

In a perfectly functioning, thermodynamic body, if you're overweight and have a surplus of leptin, your body will increase your metabolic rate and decrease your hunger hormones to burn off excess white fat. Make sense?

The thing is, due to modern living, 87% of ALL HUMANS ON THIS EARTH are LEPTIN RESISTANT. This means that the brain cannot communicate with leptin and has no idea about the energy storage capacity of the body. This leaves your brain out of the loop, and consequently, your metabolism is running on autopilot.

Your brain trying to steer your metabolism while being leptin resistant ^^

SO how do so many people become leptin resistant?

The short answer: chronically elevated Insulin

The long answer: When leptin is unable to dock to the hypothalamus due to insulin being raised leptin resistance starts to occur. Leptin cannot dock to the hypothalamus if insulin is around. I like to think about this using the two guys one girl analogy. We can think of Insulin as a tall, strong, confident gentleman who likes bitcoin.. We can think of leptin as a short man who lives at home with his mum and loves fiat dollars.

Here's a visual example: (see leptin vs insulin graphic bellow).

So we now know that if insulin is raised it will dock to the hypothalamus overpowering leptin. This means that ANYTIME insulin is raised when leptin is meant to dock to the hypothalamus, your body will miss out on leptin signaling. Over time, this causes leptin resistance.

When our brain is continually fed the signal of insulin (carbs), it shuts down our fat-burning metabolism completely and causes us to gain excess weight regardless of dietary choices. This completely destroys the theory behind calories in vs. out and why so many women who under eat to lose weight or partake in low-calorie diets actually continue to store body fat.

The problem is that in today's society, it's no longer just the food we put in our mouth that raises insulin. Artificial blue light clips a hormone called ACTH to raise cortisol, blood glucose, and insulin. Non-native EMFs do the exact same thing.

nnEMFs = radiation coming from electronic devices, wiring, and WiFi, etc.

As the mainstream system continues to gaslight patients and blame dietary choices as the root cause behind the increased rates of obesity, I continue to push the message of environmental influence.

Symptoms of leptin resistance:

  • Brian fog

  • Low libido

  • high blood pressure

  • dramatic fluctuations in weight

  • hangry symptoms

  • infertility

  • fatigue

  • sick feeling upon waking

  • 2pm energy crash

  • poor cognition

  • sugar cravings (especially late at night)

Sounds like the entire population right?

Reversing leptin resistance is stage one of addressing quantum health. For some this can take 2 months and others one year. It's important to remember progress over perfection and taking things one step at a time.

Leptin does much more than just maintain energy homeostasis. Leptin is our master hormone. You can think of leptin as the conductor and all our other hormones as the orchestra. Leptin also selects oocytes for fertilisation. Ill be writing more on this topic over the next month!

A healthy thermodynamically efficient body allows us to dissipate excess energy as free heat.

To learn more from Kiera, you can join her Skool group where you can interact with her and 100 others in this group of quantum health aficianados. Membership includes access to monthly Zoom call Q&A’s where you can ask any questions directly, all for only $15/month. https://www.skool.com/kiera-lea-wellness-9168


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